Argument Ev
Situation Due to competition from a recently opened SpendLess discount department store, discount stores in Goreville’s central shopping district are expected to close within five years. But those locations will not be vacant long, for new
stores have replaced all those that closed because of the opening five years ago of a Colson’s nondiscount department store.
Reasoning Which option would most weaken the argument? The arguer infers that stores that leave because of the SpendLess will be replaced in their locations by other stores because that is what happened after the Colson’s department store came in. Since the reasoning relies on a presumed similarity between the two cases, any information that brings to light a relevant dissimilarity would weaken the argument. If the stores that were driven out by Colson’s were replaced mostly by discount stores, that suggests that the stores were replaced because of a need that no longer exists after the opening of SpendLess.
A. The fact that Colson’s may be seeing fewer customers does not mean that the discount stores that close will not be replaced; they might be replaced by stores that in no way compete with Colson’s or SpendLess.
B. Correct. As explained in the Reasoning section above, the reasoning in the argument relies on a presumed similarity between the two cases, so any information that brings to light a relevant dissimilarity would weaken the argument. In the previous five years, the stores that went out of business were apparently direct competitors of Colson’s,
whereas their replacements were of a different type. In contrast, in the predicted scenario, the stores that are expected to go out of business are apparently direct
competitors of the new SpendLess discount store. Furthermore, if there has been a significant increase in the number of discount stores in the shopping district, the
market for discount stores may well be nearly saturated, so that few, if any, new ones can survive.
C. If anything, this strengthens the argument by indicating that Goreville’s central shopping district is thriving.
D. This strengthens the argument because one is more likely to open a new store in an area with a growing population.
E. Because this statement does not indicate whether any of these stores that offer goods not sold at SpendLess or Colson’s will be among those that are closing, it is not possible to determine what effect it has on the strength of the argument.

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